Accounting Unbundling
The principle of accounting separation (UNBUNDLING) of the activity has a fundamental importance for companies and industrial groups operating in the energy and gas sectors.
The goal is to have:
- * a main source of information for determining tariffs;
- an important tool to promote competition,favoring the entry of new competitors on the energy and gas markets avoiding cross subsidies between existing operators.
The separate annual accounts(CAS) prepared in accordance with the accounting separation rules (or accounting Unbundling) are therefore a fundamental element of compliance and control for the specific sector authorities.
GRUPPO AMIRA offers its customers two types of services:
REALIZED – Preparation of separate annual accounts. It provides assistance activities at all stages of the process,from identification of pertinent activities to data uploading electronically;
RIORGANIZED -Consultancy in the accounting reorganization functional to Unbundling needs in order to respond to the information needs required by the Integrated Unbundling Text.
The Authority for electricity,gas and water services (ARERA) allows,in some cases,the regularization of obligations,even if the terms set by the resolution 231/14 have already elapsed .
You can find more information about accounting unbundling in the NEWS section.
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